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Creation: 23/08/2010 11:49
Update: 23/08/2010 12:10
Articles 1
Visits of the week 751
Total visits 492

ayenla :: ayenla

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United States - ayenla
Position: 8823/56779 members

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Article: LESSONS OF LIFE - 23/08/2010 12:10

We are only human to make mistakes in life . Life teaches each one of us a lesson and moulds our character , to be a much stronger & wiser person . Sometimes even through a painful experiences , God opens our eyes to acknowledge how great he is and to know of his existence and to praise him . The day that we are born God knows our future & destiny . We all have to be a surviver to achieve and to experience all lifes lessons . Sometimes its so hard to be human .